
Saturday, July 20, 2013

The High and Mary Mac's

I finally got to go to the High Museum of Art in Atlanta. The Girl with Pearl Earring was there. Awesome! I always whine to Steve that we always go up there and never go see anything in Atlanta. I still have some places on my bucket list though, Fernbank, the zoo, and the Botanical Gardens. We made the trip with my sis and brother in laws, and Steve's cousins Brett and Kristal. We met up with Karen and Will at the Museum.  After that e went to Mary Mac's Tearoom.  The food was amazing. Luckily we had a nice long walk after lunch. Can you call it lunch at 4pm? :-)

I need to edit Ms. Thang out of this photo. She wouldn't move.

Moving on

Right before we left for Georgia I got a call from our realtor that we had previously had our house listed with. She wanted to know if we were still in our house, and if we are still interested in selling it. I of course said yes. She asked if she could show it, and I of course said yes. She showed it to a very nice couple who are looking for a home for their son on Monday. They liked it enough to come back the next day with the son. Then we didn't hear anything until Friday. We got an offer! We went back a couple of times but agreed to a price. As of July 11th we are officially under contract. Out closing date is August 30th. They are taking the house as is, knowing it needs a new roof, and with a conventional loan. So it's a perfect situation for us.

This has been a whirlwind. We had no plan, because we thought we would be staying in the house for a while. So we are scrambling to find something new. We will either find the perfect house and buy, or rent until we do.

It is also somewhat bittersweet. This is the only house we have ever lived in together so far. We got engaged in this house. This is Elsa's first home, and Keegan's last home. So although I will relish some new space, with more room, I will also miss this little house.

July 4th, 2013

We made our annual trek to Georgia for July 4th. The last couple of years we have gone up to the mountains, but we decided it was too hot this year. There is talk of possibly going to the mountains at Thanksgiving. Then again, it might be too cold then. :-/

It was great seeing everyone, and fun to watch cousin Blake and Elsa play together. The big girls, Emily and Allison, took great care of the babies and Austin was such a sweetie.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Way behind

I realize I have a lot of catching up to do on the blog. But for now I'm sitting in a steamy bathroom with my munchkin rocking her to sleep. Croup sucks!

Saturday, July 6, 2013


On our way home from the inlaws we stopped for lunch at the Cracker Barrel in Cordele, Ga. It was Elsa's first, and probably last, time eating there. Until she can use utensils. The veggies were so greasy and Elsa rubbed it all over her face and hair. I have a before photo but I was too grossed out and concerned with getting her cleaned to take an after.