
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bad tattoos should be outlawed

I have officially arrived in Rhode Island. My trip was exceptionally uneventful. The usual wait in line here, check your bag, boarding pass, wait in another even longer line for security, then wait at the gate. All went smoothly, yet long at Orlando International. The only real intriguing thing was the insipid girls who were waiting for my same flight. Maybe intriguing is the wrong word, train wrecks might be more appropriate. One was loud, obnoxious, high pitched giggly, the other was just somewhat sad. (I know I doth judge too much, but the reasoning will soon become clear as to why on this occasion it was ok, or was it?)
both were returning home from what appeared to be a Florida vacation. The sad one was slightly sunburned, messy hair, and a very unfortunate dress. The other also in a quite unfortunate dress herself, was constantly announcing random celebrity facts in her very loud voice.

So why should bad tattoos be outlawed you ask? Well loud obnoxious girl had a fresh tattoo on her foot that read "Mischief Managed." And the sad girl had "I solemnly swear I am up to no good" huge across her upper back. I now know that both of those are Harry Potter quotes, ok, so you tried to have some meaning to your tattoos, maybe a C for effort. But they were terrible! Hideous, poor artwork, just plain ol' bad. And both were large!! Someday they will either have them removed or they will have to get a more experienced artist to fix them.

Hope you had a great vacation, here's your ugly tattoo! Thank you and have a nice flight.

Monday, June 21, 2010

CNN, news or addiction?

So everyday I read Ok so I don't read everything, but I peruse the entire sight, and pick and choose what news I desire to "hear" about that day. Some days I just want mindless entertainment news, which inevitably leads me to a story that links to Then there are days when horrifying tragedies catch my attention. A child missing (which always makes my heart ache and which I never have faith that the child will be found alive but hold out hope nonetheless), a plane crash, murders (like the recent Joran VanderSloot story, which makes me mad b/c until this guy came along I LOVED the name Joran), etc.
But I always find it hard to read anything about politics. Warning!! I am NOT looking for a political discussion here. I find it annoying that republicans nor democrats can seem to agree on anything. I heard a great idea on NPR recently that primaries should be dissolved, because primaries require the potential nominee to be decidedly right or left, and there is no room for a moderate in the middle. So people who would be best at making decisions and compromising are left out in the cold or have to become independents, and how often do independents really win? Bi-partisanship BAH!
I digress, is a wealth of information that occupies much needed down time, although I think I would appreciate seeing happier stories more often. Also, their video content has increased dramatically, great you made a news segment a video, but add a transcription of the story.

Ooh! A story on how e-reader price war erupts. Must read that now!