
Monday, July 25, 2011

Free Tibet

Today I was driving into work and there was a Nissan Versa in front of me with this free Tibet bumper sticker:

I wonder what the motivation of the driver is.  I can understand putting a bumper sticker on a car to bring awareness to a cause, but I think it's more productive if said sticker also provides a way for people to get involved.  Just having awareness seems semi-productive to me.  Why not include a website address or in this new phase of technology a QR code?  Something to promote action.

The negative nelly in me says this person did it to make themselves feel good.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Palm Beach County

I've been spending some time this weekend in Palm Beach County.  Spending to 2 nights at the Hotel De Bessell.  The accommodations are acceptable, the bell hop a little slow, eateries very satisfactory.  And I get to play with the little one, aka Samantha. She is adorable. It's been fun hanging out with Ian and Alyse and seeing their new home.

Tomorrow I head to Jupiter for Ashleigh's baby shower. It will be great to see her, it's been awhile.  And I haven't seen one picture of her preggers yet.

Hopefully next post I will have some photos!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Would they help?

I've been trying to keep up with all of the budget talks and keep informed as much as my average sized brain can handle.  But I read an article about a lobbyist who believes in: "small government, lower taxes and limited government services." 
Ok, there needs to be support services, and churches (all religions) really did pick up the slack for the poor in the communities in days of yore. The rich donated to churches and then they in-turn filled that niche. Then slowly government started picking up the tab for those services.  I guess, and I am making an assumption, taxes went up and donations to churches went down. Non-profits sprung up to help fill the holes, taking the place of churches since they couldn't do it anymore.  Non-profits were very specialized to meet a specific need. Basically, money went from one organization to another to pay for these services. It's all a game of shifting money.
Now, if we reduce government assistance for the needy and poor, and cut taxes (specifically for the rich) will the rich go back to donating (and I don't care if it is to a non-profit or a church), so that those services can be provided? Will we as a society go back to helping our fellow man primarily through churches and non-profits, instead of paying the government to do it?

And, playing devils advocate, are non-profits and churches better equipped to decrease fraud in providing help for the needy and poor than the government is?  I don't necessarily believe in big government or small government.  I like the idea that whomever is more equipped to handle the task with as little corruption as possible should do it.

Things I think about.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Quote of the day

Borrowing an idea from Anna. :-)

Whenever science makes a discovery, the devil grabs it while the angels are debating the best way to use it.  ~Alan Valentine

I saw this quote while looking for quotes about discovery.  And it struck me as being so true. No matter how good the intentions of the discoverers, there are good and bad ways to use everything.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Just Arrived

We have just arrived at our July 4th vacation spot. We are in Blue Ridge, GA with Steve's parents, sister and brother in-law.  The house, "Almost Heaven," is atop a little mountain and the view is spectacular. More on the cabin in a future post, need to get some photos first.
But until then, check out or view: