
Friday, September 26, 2014

TTT 2014

Last night I attended my first FLMNH event as non-employee. Tastes, Tunes and Treasures was always my most favorite event to put on every year. It felt great to be able to highlight the cool collections and research going on. This year they were celebrating the 10th anniversary of the McGuire Center.

Elsa put on her "party dress" and had a blast. She was shy when the crowds were around. However, she played for a good long while by herself in the Discovery Room. Of course I was watching and did play with her too. An intern even went in and played with her. It was pretty awesome. She is so independent! 

I even for to catch up with another ex-FLMNH'er, Caroline Glagola. And Brittany did an great job with the event this year!

More faces of Elsa

She really is a goof ball!

Big and Small

We have HUGE elephant ears....and an itty bitty Elsa. :-)

Choo choo!

All Aboard!!

Elsa has started taking anything that can be strung together and makes a train out of it. She proceeded to sit on these and scoot along the floor yelling "Choo! Choo!" and "All Aboard!"

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Goodbye Grandy's

End of an era. Last week the Grandy's on University Ave and 34th Street was torn down to make way for another chicken finger hut kind of place. Although I didn't eat there on a regular basis, when I did it was always yummy....and greasy. Farewell! 

Monday, September 15, 2014

2yo's are Weird

Elsa is definitely heading into her goofy phase. She likes making faces, and has started doing funny things with her voice. It's nonsensical and awesome!!

Share a coke with....

Dancing Queen

Being a good Cultural Affairs Board member for our community, we headed out to one of the gems of the community on Friday night. Every Friday night from about May through November the city has free concert nights at the Bo Diddly Plaza. This past weekend was the Heavy Petty's, a Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers tribute band. The concerts do not start until 8pm, which for a parent with a small child does make it a little bit more difficult to attend this family fun event. Luckily they played almost full songs during their sound check. Elsa danced with her friend Skylar earlier in the evening. Then she spent some time dancing with a few other kids. 

As you can see she wore herself out and crashed for a few minutes on her blanket before she got her 2nd, 3rd, and 4th winds. 

We had a great time and I am especially grateful that I live in a  community that can provide such a cool event weekly for several months.