
Friday, May 9, 2014

Teacher Appreciation Day (week?)

We are concluding our first teacher appreciation week. For Elsa's school it included the following:
Tuesday: bring a flower (doesn't have to be store brought) for your teacher.
Thursday: ice-cream sundae party, bring sundae fixin's
Friday: wear your teacher's favorite color (our's is pink) and potato bar party, bring fixin's.
Bring a special gift for your teacher and put it in the color bag in the child's classroom.

I feel I did ok, but not good enough.
Tuesday we brought a rose and rose bud from our garden. Although beautiful, they were small and pitiful next to some of the store-bought flowers.
Wednesday we dropped off our sundae toppings, almond slices and coconut. After purchasing them I kind of panicked that they were nuts and that maybe they were not allowed. Confirmation from the director said that they were fine, peanuts are the only banned nuts.
Friday Steve remembered to dress Elsa in pink, but we totally forgot to get potato bar fixin's. Ooops.
And this leaves us with the special gift. I have yet to figure that out. I thought about going through my gift card stash and seeing if there was anything I could part with. But I forgot to do that. Maybe I will take a stroll through the museum gift shop and see what I can get there. Maybe a membership to the museum? I don't know I will figure it out though.

Teachers do a lot for our children and should be appreciated. While I enjoy that the directors of the center put together some fun things for the kids to enjoy while they appreciate their teachers, I also feel like it's forced appreciation and a lot of work on my part. And well, I am lazy these days.

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