
Monday, September 15, 2014

Dancing Queen

Being a good Cultural Affairs Board member for our community, we headed out to one of the gems of the community on Friday night. Every Friday night from about May through November the city has free concert nights at the Bo Diddly Plaza. This past weekend was the Heavy Petty's, a Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers tribute band. The concerts do not start until 8pm, which for a parent with a small child does make it a little bit more difficult to attend this family fun event. Luckily they played almost full songs during their sound check. Elsa danced with her friend Skylar earlier in the evening. Then she spent some time dancing with a few other kids. 

As you can see she wore herself out and crashed for a few minutes on her blanket before she got her 2nd, 3rd, and 4th winds. 

We had a great time and I am especially grateful that I live in a  community that can provide such a cool event weekly for several months. 

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