I have recently been the victim of an onslaught of emails that claim that our government is being devious and throwing out the constitution with the bath water. Most of them I ignore and just delete. But somedays I get fired up. Today is one of those days. The lack of fact checking before forwarding said emails and taking some cyber stranger's word as gospel irritates me to no end. It's as if we have no brains to think for ourselves, if so, I got a bridge I can sell ya!
I try to be a good steward of the internet and when something important needs to be passed on I am obliged to help. I also try to quash horrid false emails in my own way (by deleting). I may even get fired up enough to respond (if I can I "Reply All" so not just the sender but all those that received this erroneous email get the truth) with links to the correct information.
The latest was an email I have gotten twice about the proposed 28th Amendment. I looked it up, and factcheck.org debunked most of what the email said. Do the authors of said emails do it for fun to see how stupid the average American is? Or do the authors really believe the junk they write?
So my motto for today....check your facts sir or madam!
Two good websites:
snopes.com (for all urban legend type stuff)
factcheck.org (for governmental related issues)
Post Script:
Today I got my first text message hoax forwarded to me. AAAGGGHHHH!!!!
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