
Monday, March 21, 2011

Aaaaannnd Done!

Another Passport is done.  This year was a bit more difficult than most.  I lost Karen to a fancy job in Atlanta, I had some negotiating to do regarding my awesome volunteers, and I was out for jury duty for 3 weeks right before it.
I am exhausted and sore, and ready for some time off.  I had to go in on Monday, but I am off on Tuesday.  Back to work on wed. The weekend can;t come fast enough.

This year was another success. People really dug the country theme.  The band was good, the food was good, and we welcomed back the Ainsworths from Harmons Photos Ar' Nice. We will get some fun photos to share with our guests.

I will say I HATE HAY! That stuff is impossible to clean up.  I did my darndest. And part of me being sore is because I spent hours vacuuming the entire museum.  There is a lot of floor to cover.  Crazy!

I may be getting too old to do this stuff....hmmmmm.

A fun little photo for you to enjoy.  Handywork by Hollis.

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