
Sunday, November 13, 2011

And we wonder why America is obese...

You here all the time about how America is obese, and that it is an epidemic.  But it's no wonder why when fast food restaurants keep upsizing everything.  Yes, we all have our own responsibility to eat in moderation and eat healthy, but seriously do we need to upsize the following??

KFC Mashed Potato Chicken Bowl: Now with BACON.  I love bacon, but really did the heart attack in a bowl need more heart attack? Without bacon 680 Calories and 2130mgs in sodium!!!!

Taco Bell Triple Steak Stack: Triple, more, more, more! 3x more! 690 calories and 1950 mgs in sodium.

Burger King buy one get one free Original Chicken Sandwich: The cashiers don't know how to process the order if you only want one. "But you get the other one for FREE." So what! For BOTH sandwiches: 1260 calories and 2780mgs in sodium.  I don't need 2, I really don't need one.  I just happen to really like them.

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