
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Turn Baby Turn!

Two weeks ago I had a doctor's appointment and found out that Elsa was in Frank Breech position. This is where the butt is down by the cervix, the head is up by the ribs and the feet are in her face. She is basically in pike position.  After doing some research I of course started to worry.  She could end up with hip dysplasia  and worst yet I could end up having a c-section.  A c-section is my worst fear.  I have never had surgery before, and I don't want to start now!!

After that I started trying all kinds of techniques I had read about to try to get her to turn: breech tilt, inversion, acupuncture, chiropractic for the sacrum pain, cold on the top/heat or music on the bottom. Anything to get her to flip down. 

Well we had our follow up doctor's appointment today and another ultrasound to show she is still breech. She has moved from Frank breech to complete breech. For some reason this makes me feel better.  I'm still trying everything under the sun to get her to turn. At our 36-37 week appointment they will try to do an external cephalic version (aka manually turn her from the outside), and if that doesn't work they will schedule a c-section at 39 weeks.

I do not want a c-section. So crossing my fingers she gets on it and turns in the next couple of weeks.

1 comment:

The Barber Family said...

I'll keep you and Elsa in my prayers.