I am learning about all the fluids that can come out of a baby. Not only am I learning about them all, but I'm finding that I am slowly adapting to them as well. Before having a baby I was kind of crazy about any kind of gunk.
Babies poop. Not just poop like adults or dogs, but it is a special kind of poop. And it can get EVERYWHERE! Example, yesterday we went to the store with Elsa and she was in her car seat. When we got home Steve made a comment that the house smelled like poop. When he went to take her out of the car seat, he realized that smell was from her. She had a major blow out. Probably the worst we have ever seen, and she was so quiet about it. We had no idea. She had to go straight to the bath.
Babies drool. Their drool is thick, gooey and leaves a film if they choose to either drip it on you or suck on your arm. Elsa does both. I go into the shower the other day and as soon as the water hit my arm I felt the slick film. Gross!! Also I find that she can drool just about anywhere. On her playmat, all over her car seat shoulder pads, on our bed sheets, on our clothes, on her clothes...Do I need to go on?
Babies snot. Elsa has her first cold. Because she is so small she can't blow her nose or sniff. So the snot just drips out. When she sneezes or coughs it becomes a projectile bullet of goo.
My conclusion: babies do alot of gross stuff, and I am learning to deal with it and just go with the flow...litterally!
Isn't it strange how babies are disgusting and yet not-so-gross at the same time? I'm not sure if it is because they are so cute or if they just beat the fear out of you with sheer volume!
I'm going with sheer volume!!
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