
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Clean and Jerk

My neighbors are work out fanatics. I'm pretty sure the wife works in the health and fitness field. 

One night we heard these loud booms that sounded like tree limbs falling on our roof. So I went outside and stood there staring at my roof with a flashlight trying to see what the heck was going on. Then I heard the boom again. I was standing between our house and the neighbors and the sound came from behind me. I realized it was the neighbors lifting weights. It is the clean and jerk kind of weight lifting. The noise I was hearing was the weights thundering to the ground. It is so loud that it shakes our house, photos on the wall and vibrates the floor. 

We have been listening to this for about 2 years now. At all different times of the day and night. Even as early as 3 am. It hasn't been a major problem, because Elsa would somehow sleep through it. 

But last night, she was not feeling well and was having an already restless night when the lifting (or I should say dropping) started. Every time we heard the boom she would wake up and cry, then fall back asleep. This was around 1am. I waited for him to stop, but it wasn't happening. A couple of times I swear it sounded like a sonic boom rocking the house.

I finally had to go over there and politely ask him to stop. I know they have no idea how loud it is. And I wish I could get one them over while the other one lifts, so they can hear it. It's so bizarre because we are in houses. And we aren't on top of each other, so the fact that it shakes the house is pretty crazy. He obliged, and was very nice about it. And I thank him for that. Elsa slept soundly for the rest of the night.

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