
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Our Yard

Our new house has he most amazing yard. Every time I am out there I find a new fabulous plant. It has been full of surprises.

Here is a list of what we have found so far:
shrimp plant, amazon lily, hydrangeas, oak leaf hydrangeas, Glorybower, yellow cestrum, bottle brush, chinese fringe bush, orange tree, pear tree, azaleas, thai plant, mexican heather, white sage, canna lily, variegated fern, elephant ears, fire spike, 4 o'clocks, beautyberry, camellia, chenille plant, bromeliads, persian shield, variegated legustrum, crepe myrtle, wandering jew, cigar plant, necklace pod, roses, jasmine, mondo grass, walking iris, trumpet tree, lariope, coleus, caladiums, variegated holly fern, and a ton of gingers (butterfly ginger blue ginger, peacock ginger, variegated ginger, curcuma petulata).

These are actual photos from our yard.
Shrimp Plant


Butterfly Ginger


Amazon Lily

Yellow Cestrum

As yet to be identified

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