Reflections on 2 years with my munchkin.
You only get one chance to do things right, so make it count. You can say oh we will do that tomorrow or next week, but you may not. By the time you get around to doing it the moment is lost. She goes through phases so fast that you have to jump on them, embrace them and do what you can to nuture her while she is still in that phase.
She has a mind of her own. So this one I knew would be a given. She makes her own decisions. Last night vegetables were evil. Tonight when presented with the same exact vegetables they were awesome! I never know day-to-day what she will decide to exert her will over. I'm just glad she is such an easy going kid that I know tomorrow will be different. Tomorrow veggies are awesome!
Her sweet little voice is music to my ears. "Hello mommy!" "I luuuuuv you!" "Hush dog!" "Fix it!" "Boo boo mommy!" "Mulk!" (Milk) "Twinkle twinkle little star." "Daaadddddyyy!" "Funny!" "Aaawwee" (when she gives anything a hug.) the best are always the ones where she follows it with "mommy."
Her favorite tv show is still Calliou, but she has added Sophia the First ("Fia!"), DocMcstuffins and Sherriff Callie.
Her blankie (or "flushie") is still her go to lovey. She started rubbing the satin edge in a new way recently that is exactly how I used to rub my sheets.
Everyday when we get home she has to have a a cup. Must be in a cup.
Bubbles and sandboxes are better than sliced bread.
She has gotten quite well at brushing her teeth and she still calls it "Elmo" because he is on her toothpaste.
She goes to bed and to nap like a dream.
She loves her new school.
We love her with all of our hearts. Happy birthday to my toddler.
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