
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I'm a Working Mom

When Steve and I made the decision to grow our family, we knew it would come with some unfortunate choices. I won't use the term "sacrifice" because nothing I do for my daughter will be a sacrifice, I will do it because it's what it best and right to do. And how could that be a sacrifice?

We knew we would both have to work. We could not pay our bills otherwise, unless one of us doubles our salary or we win the lottery (personally I'm banking on the lottery). Knowing this I had to come to terms that this is the lifestyle our family would live. Mom and Dad working, baby going to a sitter or daycare. When the time came for me to go back to work I had to put my big girl pants on and accept it. To do otherwise would mean endless days of anguish, longing and ultimate sadness.

There are pro's and con's to this arrangement. Con's I miss out on a big chunk of Elsa's day, I don't get to be her only teacher besides her dad, and exhaustion after work does not mean I can check out and nap or whatnot when I get home.  The Pro's are that I get mommy time, some adult interaction on an intellectual and social level and I can provide for her (put a roof over her head, clothes on her back, diapers on her butt, food in her belly and so much more).

In a perfect world we would get one year of maternity leave and still be able to pay the bills. Unfortunately, this is not a perfect world, but it is the best world I can offer and live with.

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