
Monday, September 19, 2011

Big news!

I haven't blogging much lately, because I have been journaling instead.  I started a pregnancy journal, so I can write down all my thoughts, feelings, and physical changes so I can look back on it years from now.
And I need a pregnancy journal because I am preggers!! Yay!!

After 2 years and thousands of dollars, we finally are expecting a little Lando/a due April 2.  And we did it naturally.  It was a no stress month, and everything worked.

Today was a big day.  First we got to hear the heartbeat for the first time.  Then we went for some genetic screenings that included another ultrasound. Score! An extra picture for us!! Yay!

Let's watch the progression of all of ultrasounds:
August 8, 2011- little sesame seed.

August 22, 2011- bigger nondescript blob
Sept 19, 2011- It actually looks like a baby!!

So exciting to see things like it's head, nose, arms and hands.  Pretty cool!! The tech said s/he was asleep, so it wasn't moving around.  She poked at it a little bit and then it started squirming.  It was wild. It must have been mad, because it preceded to moon us. 
This is an exciting time, and I will be updating as often as I can. 


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