
Monday, August 13, 2012

How are we doing? Month 4

Again, I have decided to see where Elsa is on the developmental scale. I'm more worried about her getting "behind" than staying ahead. I'm not sure if checking these things is warranted, or even productive. I feel better knowing that we are doing ok though.

The Fourth Month:
  • Drooling begins: Started at 3 months
  • Good head control: Achieved at 1-2 months
  • Sits with support: Can do, but very wobbly. Constantly tries to sit up.
  • Bears some weight on legs when held upright: Another 1-2 months. She has wanted to stand since I can remember.
  • Raises head and chest off surface to a 90 degree angle: She hasn't quite done a full push up, more like a push up from the elbows.
  • Rolls from back to side: She is rolling over from back to tummy and back again.
  • Explores and plays with hands: This is becoming more pronounced.
  • Tries to reach for objects but overshoots: She is reaching and grabbing.
  • Grasps objects with both hands: Check
  • Eye-hand coordination begins: She grasps her pacifier, removes it from her mouth then puts it back in. Looks at and grasps her feet, even put them in her mouth today.
  • Makes consonant sounds: This one makes no sense to me. She has made the hard "g" for awhile. "A-Gooo"
  • Laughs: Finally she started this a couple of weeks ago. But she is very judicious as to how she doles it out. We did get it on video, yay! 
  • Enjoys being rocked, bounced or swung: Another one I don't understand. She has enjoyed that since birth. 
I looked ahead at month five and she has completed 10 of the 13 milestones. Well, at least we aren't messing anything up right?

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